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Legal support


Hello Poland provides full legal and accounting support.

It should be noted that the services “Company support” and “Counselor” (tax consultant) are provided together, in each package (5, 10, 15, 30 and 50 hours of consultations).

By choosing the right package, you get two services at once. And you can choose what to assign the total number of hours of consultations to.

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Legal support

Legal support

Legal support
includes the following services

Doing business:

  • Support of corporate activities of the company. Sale\purchase of shares in the authorized capital of companies;
  • Stopping the activities of the company, its liquidation or suspension;
  • Constant consulting (subscription service) on the company’s activities;
  • Preparation of plans for the transformation and reorganization of legal entities – their merger, sale of parts of the business, change in the legal form of legal entities. Developing an optimal change process. Assistance in the implementation.
  • Appointment of a procurant (trustee), entry into the KRS register;
  • Making changes to company data in the KRS register;
  • Support in conducting business negotiations to establish cooperation (travels to contractors are not included). Conducting mediation negotiations / Accompanying at meetings;
  • Advising on current business activities as well as action and development plans;
  • Development of economic contracts. Advising on the conclusion of contracts and the establishment of trade cooperation;
  • If required – assistance with invoicing;
  • Checking documents, declarations for customs in accordance with the requirements of your broker;
  • Work with couriers and parcels: receiving, ordering, sending; receiving correspondence;
  • Search for brokers, mediation between the client and the broker, negotiation;
  • Assistance with accessing services for your company;
  • Competent writing of letters to contractors;
  • Entering the company in various registers, obtaining confirmation of this (for example: KRAZ, RIS, GUS);
  • Holding a meeting of founders and their documentation;
  • Search of information and product documentation in Polish sources;
  • Resolution of legal disputes – search of a lawyer (the work of a lawyer is paid separately) and preparation of documents.

State authorities:

  • Representing the interests of the company in state authorities:
    – Urząd Komunikacji;
    – Główny Inspektorat Transportu Drogowego;
    – Urząd do Spraw Cudzoziemców;
    – Urząd Patentowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej;
    – Główny Urząd Statystyczny;
    – Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych;
    – Urząd pracy;
    – Urząd Skarbowy;
    – Główny Inspektorat Sanitarny;
    – Straż graniczna;
    – Urząd Wojewódzki; 
  • Writing letters, requests and responses to the authorities mentioned above;
  • Personal appearance in state authorities, providing information and responding to their requests;


  • Advice on human resources policy;
  • Submitting applications and receiving documents for employees:
    –  work permits (invitations) (for a period of six months and a year);
    – providing up-to-date information about employment in Urząd Pracy;
    – obtaining opinia starosty (labor market analysis);
    – OSH training;
    –medical examination and medical certificate;
    – referral for examination/training/medical examinations;
    -Tax Residence Certificates;
    – contracts with employees;
    – employment documents;
    – business trips;
    -registration, PESEL;
  • Preparation and submission of documents for a temporary residence permit / permanent residence permit (Karta Pobytu);
  • Answers to basic questions about visas and documents of employees;
  • Search of employee training programs:
    – “code 95”;
    – loader control;
    – professional development;
    – etc.;


  • Proofreading of contracts prepared by contractors;
  • Preparation and submission of documents for a residence permit;
  • Preparation and search for information for the recognition of documents received abroad;
  • Preparation and translation of power of attorneys.


  • Obtaining a transportation license;
  • Vehicle registration;
  • Calculation of transport taxes, providing documentation;
  • Search of training “code 95” for employees;
  • Search and negotiations on stock exchanges of transport orders;
  • Translation at meetings and negotiations with car dealerships.

More about licenses and permits Accounting support services